The Art of the Strikeout
The Art of the Strikeout
Strikeouts have become a defining feature of modern baseball, especially with today’s power pitchers. Who do you think is the best strikeout pitcher of all time? How do you think the increasing strikeout rate is affecting the overall style of play in baseball?
Re: The Art of the Strikeout
Nope, but I got a blown save after giving up one run in the first inning of my start in RTTS over the weekend. It appeared at the top left of my screen when the runner crossed the plate and even shows up on my player card as a blown save, even though my guy has only ever started games.
Re: The Art of the Strikeout
The strikeout is a pitcher’s ultimate weapon, combining velocity, movement, and deception to overpower hitters. Mastering pitch sequencing, changing speeds, and locating pitches are key to maximizing strikeouts. For hitters, avoiding strikeouts requires discipline and pitch recognition. The battle between power pitchers and disciplined hitters defines the art of the strikeout.